
Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them last, or the amount of time since you talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something, and you wish, you wish that they were right there with you.

Everytime that I'll go to sleep, I always wait for stuffs that won't come. It's like seeing through a glass cabinet direly wanting that cake yet you cannot afford it.

It's hard. Definitely hard. It would be easy if I knew myself. But no! That self that I painstakingly built for years. Gone in one second. I'm learning to build it again. Build myself again. Stand up. I let my guard down and became too carefree. I know I have to change. I've GOT TO CHANGE.

Speaking of change, I really don't know where to go. I'm caught in the middle. Part of me says that I should move on and leave this thing hanging and yet part of me says that I should do something. I've decided just to go with the flow. Is my decision right? I really don't know. I'll just have to find out for myself.

For now, I just have to do what I've gotta do.

(Ang hirap bumalik sa dati mong buhay. Iba na kasi ang nakasanayan ko eh. Nakakainis. Sabi ko noon, madali lang bumalik sa dati kong pamumuhay. Mali pala ako. Mahirap. May mga bagay kang hinahanap-hanap. May mga bagay na meron sa buhay mo ngayon na wala sa noon. Dapat pala hindi na ako naghangad ng ibang buhay. Dapat pala ipinagpatuloy ko na lang ang buhay ko noon. Kaya ito. Kakayanin!)

12:07:00 AM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~


They had me at my best but only a handful of people accepted me at my worst. And I thank God for giving them to me. :)

Epekto ng One More Chance. XD

(I wasn't the one who gave up. It was you who gave up on me. T_T)

1:36:00 PM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~


Don't jump into conclusions. You know nothing. Put yourself into my shoes.

I am trying to fix everything here and I want to start with myself. I don't want to face my problems kung sa sarili ko alam kong unstable ako. I have to figure out kung anong mali sa akin.

I need time. I am so confused right now. :(

11:55:00 AM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~


Some post provoked me to post something.

Hindi naman sa ayaw kong makipag-ayos. It's just that wala talaga akong oras ngayon. I'm sorry but I have to prioritize things. I want to fix my future. May mga bagay lang talaga na dapat mauna.

I want to fix myself first before I fix my other problems.

12:08:00 PM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~