Random Rants

Power = Work / Time

Power is directly proportional to Work and is inversely proportional to Time.

We have more work but less time. Since Work is directly proportional to Power, we should also have more power. But, why is it that if we have more work, we have less power? This bends the rule in variation. This means that variation is sometimes not applicable to real-life situation(s).


-- We are two copies short for the invitation. The deadline is today. We're in major trouble.

-- My members are not replying. How can I resolve the problem if they aren't communicating with me?

-- I still have to study for that 'shameful' event against the smartest Math students from Grades 5 and 6. If I'll lose to them that means my basic/elementary Math foundation is not strong enough. 'Balik ulit sa Grade 6!'

-- I am freakin' sleeping early. It's like, it's still 8:30 PM and I'm already sleepy. This is not me.

-- Praise Parade. Almost done, but far away from perfection.

-- 'Lumiliit na ang pisi ko. Kailangang bumili ng bago.'

That's it. Maybe later, maybe tomorrow this list will get longer. XD.


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5:12:00 AM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~