2007 Review

I'll do some flashbacks so there'll be some things that I might forget and not post here. If there is such, please comment. Thanks!


I guess nothing much happened during this month except those fat-burning practices for cheerdance and stuff.

Test for AJSS. Ateneo thingy. We didn't qualify but we passed the test. XD. Quota.


Intramurals. Cheerdance. It was the first time, after super many years, that I played tug-of-war. Lol. So I got a silver medal again for Table Tennis. [when will I get a gold medal?]


It was the first time in my High School life that I took my test late [not on the first week of the month]. It was a good experience seeing others peep on others' paper. XD.

It was the first time that I got interviewed for a summer camp. Wohoo!

It was my first time to go to Corregidor. I guess it was on March 26 or 27 [darn, can't remember]. It was really a dream come true. Lol.

Cousins from Las Vegas went here. We had a lot of fun while they were still here. Gosh, I love the hotels! XD. It was like everyday we're out of our house.


De La Salle University - College of Computer Science Summer Camp. It was really really really a fun experience. Got to meet new faces. It was the first time that I was picked/nominated, for a summer camp, by the school. So, I was very proud of myself. Hehehe. I have a little skit/ dialogue. While I was buying for tickets on LRT...

Me: "Ms. pabili nga po ng ticket. Taft po."

LRT is along Taft duh. I only realized that I was wrong while I was riding MRT.


May. May. May. What happened in May? I just remember one thing. Because the sections for 4th wasn't posted yet, I had to go to school everyday. XD. Good thing I only went there for 2 or 3 days.

Mangaholixx. The first ever anime con that I attended.

DLSU-CCS Summer Campers' reunion. Prusisyon?


Anatomy. That's my section. It was nice seeing my classmates again, but at the same time I got sad since some of my Archeology classmates was transferred to the other 2 sections. The never-ending 'introduce yourself' thingy. XD. Met our teachers. Started the mind boggling, brain exploding lectures.

Toycon. XD.


Birthday ko lang naman. Nothing special. XD


UPCAT. Hard. Skipped some math thingy that involved geometry. Shapes don't like me.

Linggo ng Wika. Didn't have the chance to go to Singapore since the date overlapped with the date for Linggo ng Wika. How unfortunate.


Birthdays and stuff.

EOP. Mt. Banahaw. Caving. Buti nakalabas ng buhay. It was very very very exhausting.

ACET after EOP. Nice.


DLSU-CET. English was half thought and half guess. XD

Hmmm.. High School Night. Lol.


Got a hold of a PS2 console! Thanks to Rizza!

Academic Week. Sooo hectic. [rhyme?]. Masyadong mahaba. XD


Hataw Hanep Hero! 3. First time that I saw my co-forumers. ^_^

At last! A PSP! My gulay! XD

The year will end. Let us reminisce all the good things and put away all the bad things so that we can start 2008 right!

Happy New Year to all!

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