39 Secrets About Me

Grabbed from Gemi. ^_^

39 Secrets About You.
Be honest no matter what.

[One] Who was your last 3 texts from?
- Koi, Kaye S., yuuki_setsu

[Two] Where was your default picture
- somewhere. it isn't my picture eh. hahaha.

[Three] What's your middle name?
- Acob

[Four] Your current relationship
- Single. Pwede married if you'll consider myfc. XD

[Five] Does your crush like you back?
- Nada.

[Six] What is your current mood?
- Happy and sad. baliw?

[Seven] What color shirt are you
- Green!

[Eight] What's the color of ur
nail polish?
- nada. la ako nail polish. ^_^

[Nine] If you could go back in time and
change something, what wOuld yOu
- my figure. hahaha. joke. tanggap ko naman [halos] lahat ng binibigay ni God eh kaya wala. ^_^

[Ten] Where was the last place out
of town, that you went to?
- Makati City, a week ago.

[Eleven] Ever had a near death
- Yah. Muntik na akong masagasaan. XD. daredevil kasi. hahaha. XD.

[Twelve] Things you do a lot?
- surf the net, soundtrip, watch tv, sleep, eat, take a bath.

[Thirteen] Do you have a fondness for
- nada.

[Fourteen] Who can you tell anything
- God. Myself.

[Fifteen] Name someone with the same
birthday as you?
- Julius Caesar [as they say], Bill Cosby, Yagami Souichiro, Kiminobu Kogure, Takada Kiyomi(?), Joshua Ong, Ate Joanna Mabaga.

[Sixteen] When was the last time you
- last retreat. i guess.

[Seventeen] Are you for or against
capitol punishment?
- against. it isn't moral eh.

[Eighteen] If you could have one super
power what would it be?
- any super power that can help other people in a good way.

[Nineteen] What's the first thing you
notice about the opposite sex?
- uhh.. dunno. face i guess.

[Twenty] Who is your favorite
- 2m2m.

[Twenty-one] What is a theory that you
- newton's third law of motion. fits karma.

[Twenty-two] Favorite color?
- dark blue.

[Twenty-three] What is one thing that
annoys you on TV?
- annoying and irritating antagonists.

[Twenty-four] Do you still watch kiddy
movies or TV shows?
- yap.

[Twenty-five] What are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
- nothin'.

[Twenty-six] Do you speak any other
- what language in particular? if filipino, yes. if not, only a bit of some languages around.

[Twenty-seven] What's your favorite
- 2m2m

[Twenty-eight] Describe your life in
one word?
- changing.

[Twenty-nine] Have any tattoos?
- before. those tattoos na nasa may mga bubble gums and candies.

[Thirty] What are you looking
forward to the most?
- my appeal sa UPM.

[Thirty-one] What are you thinking
about right now?
- research paper.

[Thirty-two] What should you be
- research paper. assignments.

[Thirty-three] Who was the last person
that made you upset/angry?
- him.

[Thirty-four] What are you listening
- love will lead you back - taylor dane

[Thirty-five] Do you like working in
the yard?
- nada.

[Thirty-six] If you could have any
last name in the world, what would it
- kung ano ang itinakda ni God sa akin. ^_^. pero as of now, i'm only thinkin' of ONE. hahaha. XD.

[Thirty-seven] Do you act differently
around the person you like?
- yah. napapasunod niya ako. napapangiti niya ako ng di oras. the hell. hahaha.

[Thirty-eight] What is your natural
hair color??
- dark brown

[Thirty-nine] Why did you cry last
- my parents' letter and our teachers' letters.

well iyon lang.

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6:49:00 PM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~