Record Breaking Event

I'm inviting you to join us in a record breaking event to be done in the HeroTV Forums.

If you are interested, just log-in (if you are already a member), register (if you wish to be part of the event... a special title will be given to you), or browse (if you wish not to register) the forums on August 29 for two hours, from 6PM to 8PM. This is the link of the forum:

HeroTV Forum

If you want to register, be sure to fill-out all of the information asked to you so that the ones who will activate your account will not mistaken your account as a spyware/virus. If you didn’t fill-out all of the information, it will take a longer time for your account to be activated.

If HeroTV Forums has not yet given you a verification mail, just send a message to me and I'll help you out.

Thank you and see you there!! ^_^

-- seeders21

P.S. If you have problems, just mail me at carms_seed@yahoo.com.ph

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5:00:00 PM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~