Urban Dictionary

got from http://xojun88ox.multiply.com/journal/item/68/Urban_Dictionary

Instructions: Go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you. I guarantee you're gonna find some pretty hilarious results.

Then tag 15 of your friends.

I'm tagging everyone!

1. Your Name: Haruka

A name commonly used in literature whose character depicts an unseathy yet sensuously sexy role. Often times a lush, promiscuous girl or a prostitute. Very often true to life!

I'm gonna get me some Carmela tonight!

[wth? like srsly? O.O. di naman ako ganyan eeee!!]

2. Age: 16
Legal age for fucking in the UK.
1. Woohoo! I'm 16! Now I can go and get my brains fucked even more by some guy.
2. Shit, now I can't fuck guys over threatening statutory rape after they fuck my brains out.
3. Woohoo! My girlfriend turned 16 today. Now I can fuck her brains out in front of the cop shop! and give them the finger at the same time! ...Next day: *knock at door* "I'm afraid we're going to have to take you to the station for indecent public behaviour, and for having sex with a minor - she turned 15 yesterday, not 16" ... "Shit, the fucking bitch slut!"
[what the hell!!!! XD]

3. Name one of your friend: Kaye
Someone unwilling to face reality.

Kaye thinks that reporting this definition then deleting it from his sig will make the problem go away. Lucky for him I'm vindictive enough to own him 3 times in a row!

[unwilling daw? XD]

4. What should you be doing:
Something i should be doing to work off my fat ass after having a baby.
'i should be walking off my fat ass at the park today'

[i didn't have a baby in the first place!]

5. Favorite Color: Blue
The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.

The sky is blue.

[woo. very nerdy. lol. parang kanina lang yan ang topic sa chem. :))]

6. Favorite Number: 12

The Police. Any law enforcement agent. See also "PO-PO" and "ONE-TIME."
Shouting "TWELVE" when the cops are spotted approaching the scene of some illegal activity.

7. Month of your birthday: July
A month when mostly the hottest girls are born

That girls so hot she must be born in July

[wth? wth?]

8. The last person you talked to: Lisa, Roscelle, and Kim


One of the most popular names for a newborn girl in 1970.
Most Lisas are hot.

"There were 3 hot girls named Lisa in my grade 7 gym class. I didn't know where to look."

[Lisa hot ka raw. :))]


Roscelle isn't defined yet

[hahaha. undefined. XD]


The last name of many, many Korean people. It's like Smith or Jones in English-speaking countries.

Hey, look! Everywhere there's a Kim! Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, Kim Young-sam, Kim Dae-jung..

[naalala ko tuloy iyong joke ko. hahaha.]

9. One of your nicknames: Carms

Visit the website www.carm.org Im not advertising it. just defending it... from people who have attacked it on this website..

Carm stands for Christian Apologetics Research Ministries.
CARM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip Christians and refute error. Learn about biblical Christianity so you can know God better, be more sanctified, and identify false teachings.Its purpose is to discuss various theological systems and examine them from a Christian perspective. CARM is useful in that it documents the religious beliefs of a system, analyzes them, and compares them to biblical revelation. For that end, it is mainly for the Christian; that is, it is primarily intended to help the Christian defend his/her faith better and to know why cults are cults.
By Christian, I mean someone who not only believes in and has accepted Jesus, but also includes the understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity and that Jesus is fully God as well as fully man. There are many false "christs" out there and just because someone says he or she is a Christian, does not make him one.
By cult, I mean a group or teaching that, in general, is unorthodox, esoteric, and has a devotion to a person, object, or a set of new ideas. By this definition many groups can be called cults. But, more specifically, CARM deals with groups that are non-Christain cults (though deals with others) and by this is meant a group that claims to be Christian yet deviates from biblical truth sufficiently to make salvation null. Of course, there are more generic definitions of the word cult and by some of them, all of us are in a cult in one way or another. Nevertheless, please see my article on an analysis of what makes a group cultic.
CARM stands in opposition to false "christs" such as the one in Mormonism which states that Jesus is the product of relations between god and his goddess wife who were both people on another world. CARM also does not consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be Christian, nor Christadelphians, nor Christian Science since they all deny orthodox, biblical doctrine, state God is something/someone He is not, and deny the full deity and/or humanity of Jesus.
There are other non-Christian groups mentioned on CARM and many more are in the works. But please examine CARM and compare it to Scripture. See whether or not it is biblical. See if CARM preaches the true doctrine of God, salvation, regeneration, etc.
Don't just believe everything you read.

If you are a member of one of the groups labeled as non-Christian by CARM, please remember that my intention is not to offend. Rather, it is to inform. Unfortunately, doing this means I step on theological toes.

Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

Carm.org has a lot of information on what relgions teach and believe.

[very religious. very mahaba]

11:05:00 AM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~