Wala Lang

It's harder than it looks!
1.) Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 20 people.
2.) Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
3.) They have to be real... nothing made up!

1. What is your name: CARMS [di CHARMS ha. ]

2. A four-letter Word: Crap. [ampanget namaaaann.]

3. A boy's Name: Carl [wala lang.]

4. A girl's Name: Carla [para pair sila dun ^^. haha]

5. An occupation: Chemissstt!! [lalalaaaa]

6. A colour: Crimson [kasi naman red ang shirt ko ngayon. hahaha]

7. Something you'll wear: Cap [although di often]

8. A food: Carbonara!! [halatang gutom]

9. Something found in the bathroom: Colgate toothpaste [hahaha]

10. A place: Canada. [para malamig.. hahaha]

11. A reason for being late: Car accident [namaan. di lame excuse yan ha]

12. Something you shout: Cheverloo! [hahahaha]

13. A movie title: Charlotte's Web [hahaha. hahaha.]

14. Something you drink: Coke! [para laging naka-smile. hahaha]

15. A musical group: Cheetah Girls [group naman sila diba? diba? diba?]

16. An animal: Cheetah [weee!! fast fast!]

17. A street name: Camus St. [gusto ko ulit bumalik. sarap ng pagkain sa resto nila Jam eee!]

18. A type of car: Coupe [wahahaha]

19. A song title: Cha-La Head Cha-La! [wohhooo!! iyong version ni Aya Hirano para masaya!]

20. A verb: come. [nakooo. wholesome ha. wholesome]

tagging kung sino may gustong ma-tag.

10:08:00 AM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~