Math17 Farewell Party

time to blog about it! hahaha. too many first times.

okay. so i left home [cavite] at around 11am yesterday. [this is my first time to go to UPD from cavite ALONE.]

got to taft mrt station at around 12nn.

rode the jeep to UPD at around 12:30pm

got to MB at 1pm

met ate cj and echo at around 1:30pm

party was supposed to start at 2pm, but it started at around 4pm.

got my freakin' passin' grade in Math17 at around 6:30pm

left UPD at 7pm [first time to leave UPD at night by means of a jeep. first time to go to trinoma at night with friends (ate tin and zarah)]

left trinoma at about 8:30pm

arrived at guadalupe station at about 8:45 [bye ate tin!]

arrived at taft mrt station at around 9pm. this was also the time when zarah and i separated since she'll ride a bus/van on the other side of the station.

rode a bus to cavite at around 9:15pm [first time to go home ALONE on a bus AT NIGHT.]

arrived at home at 10:15pm

so where's the story about the party? too lazy to talk about it since i had so much FUN!! LOL. can't put everything into words. XD.

6:23:00 PM
0 unseen truths

~x~ "Speak in Tagalog. You're in the Philippines."~x~